Wednesday, July 28, 2010
legs for days
Thursday, July 22, 2010
express lane

Androgyny goes urban

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
like a fine wine . . .

Sunday, July 11, 2010
boring to badass

In this photo, we took the same shorts from the first picture and actually used them correctly. This happens a lot; people buy things, such as Katy inspired high wasted shorts, and end up using them in a boring way because they don't know exactly how to utilize them. Here, we chose a fairly simple route; brightly colored tank for summer and a hippy inspired crochet vest with a feathered headband to add some real pazzazz to the ensemble. In my personal opinion, fashion is always about risk taking.

In this next photo, we included one of my absolute favorite new trends; the ballerina skirt. I love it for the whimsical factor. Every single time i wear this piece, I feel straight from Alice and Wonderland or one of the many outlandish books I adored growing up.

And so, there you have it, in just four short looks. How to turn something everyone has into something everyone will covet; but no worries, you'll be the only one who has acquired the exact ensemble.
Fair enough, that was ridiculously cheesy. But I'm sure you got the point despite how hard you may have been laughing.
british invasion
this transition is made all the easier when no physical relocation is actually necessary. such is the case with england's internet shopping phenom still based out of the uk, the online store is soon to get a us sister site. it's hard to spin being on the bad end of the exchange rate, but the retailer is known to have some pretty killer sales in which the majority of prices are slashed to under 30 pounds (roughly 45 us dollars). in the name of investigative journalism, i perused the site for a bit and found some items that need a good home. namely, in my closet. oh, and my favorite feature? being able to see each piece go down the runway. this may work its way into my favorites bar along with and

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Elise, uploaded
Mallorie and I started this blog on a whim; we want to talk about anything and everything that we find inspiring, starting with fashion and ending just about anywhere. These first two entries are just to give you an overview about us. Who we are, what we like, what we don't like, etc. Our next entries could be anything from writing to video; we want to share as much as possible with whoever is out there listening.
Fashion Aesthetic Overview;
I am currently living entirely in the moment, fashion wise. That is not to say that I am mindlessly following some sort of handbook that is being shoved down my throat; I merely chose not to label my look with any specific references. Some days I feel like being a tribal princess, others a beach babe, others a resurrection of the rock and roll movement we have all embraced so vicariously as a new trend. Put together an assortment of beachy dresses, vicious shoes, bright hues, and assorted vests and cardigans, and my wardrobe begins to shape. By themselves, most pieces seem fairly ordinary; it is the careful pairing, layering, and whimsy that goes into them that completes my style.
Top 3 designers of the moment
1. Marc Jacobs
2. Karl Lagerfeld
3. Alexander McQueen
Top covets of the moment
1. Doc Martens
2. Mini Cross-body bag
3. Ultra bright colored cardigan, preferably in a red hue
Three least favorite trends
(personality disclaimer; I am best known for my scathing honesty.)
1. Peasant skirts; we are not gypsies, people
2. Bermuda shorts; if you’re over 12, just move up or down a few inches, mmk?
3. Tunics as dresses; it’s a long shirt, not a mini dress. Mini dresses are for hookers.
Three favorite bands of the moment
1. Vampire Weekend
2. Florence and the Machine
3. Paramore
Three favorite movies
1. Dazed and Confused
2. High Fidelity
3. The Usual Suspects
Mallorie: The Down Low
Top 3 Designers:
1. Balmain
2. Elie Saab
3. Marchesa
(Honorable Mentions - Nina Ricci, Herve Leger)
Current Covets:
1. Doc Martens - classic black 1460's
2. Boyfriend Flannel Buttondown - for pairing with a body con dress and said doc martens
3. Layered Statement Necklaces
Not Cute:
1. JEAN MINI SKIRTS WITH LEGGINGS. In fact, I'm having a difficult time thinking of a scenario in which either of those things are ok, in any context.
2. The myth that things have to match. As stacy and clinton would say, "It's about going, not matching." & if you don't know who stacy and clinton are, this is not the place for you.
3. Denim on denim - not sure exactly when and why this became a trend, but I am NOT a fan.
Band of the Moment:
The XX
Current Favorite Movie:
Empire Records